posizione: codici postali > Regno Unito > numero > W.... > WV5 >

WV5 codice postale, Regno Unito

codice postale WV5 (trovato 8 articoli posto(i)): Upper Aston, Claverley, Heathton, Upper Ludstone, The Bratch, Seisdon, Wombourne, Trysull. Per gli altri codici postali Regno Unito clicca qui.

Coordinate GPS medie per codice postale wv5: 52.542, -2.237

lista delle città :
>> Upper Aston WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5422,-2.2366
>> Claverley WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5379,-2.3065
>> Heathton WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5422,-2.2366
>> Upper Ludstone WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5422,-2.2366
>> The Bratch WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5422,-2.2366
>> Seisdon WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5513,-2.2366
>> Wombourne WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5333,-2.1833
>> Trysull WV5, Staffordshire, England, coordinate GPS: 52.5462,-2.22